Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rest? Yes, please!

May 21st, 2016

Rest?  Yes, please!

 I finally have a day of rest today!  My trip with the band got cancelled because of bad weather, but I was happy to hear that because I had a busy day yesterday.  Cumberland Life Festival(see previous posts) was lots of fun, but it was surely tiring!  There were so many little ones that came to my group's station!  But I enjoyed it, and today I just laid in bed and watched a whole season of Boy Meets World(it's an amazing show, by the way).  It was terrific!

Also, I am coming down to my last week of school!  We get out June 1st, but a lot of my days left are fun days :).  I can definitely feel Summer getting closer!  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekends.  God Bless <3

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