Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Head Won't Stop Spinning!

May 18th, 2016

My Head Won't Stop Spinning!

Hey everyone!  Sorry I didn't post yesterday.  It was a crazy day, and not a very fun one.  Today was better.  I had horseback riding, and that is always fun, so that made up for yesterday.  My week still isn't going to slow down though.  I have Cumberland Life Festival on Friday(for my school), which is also my sister's birthday.  On Saturday, I'm going on an all-day trip with the middle school band.  I just want to SLEEP!!!!!  I thought the end of a school year was supposed to be chill and relaxed and laid back, but it's the exact opposite.  My schedule is crammed with school activities, my sister's graduation, outside of school activities.  Then I get home late, take a shower, scarf down a snack, and go to bed.  Phew!  Just typing all of this makes me even more tired.  Sometimes I just need to sit down, have a good cry, eat popcorn, watch a romance movie, get 12 hours of sleep, and then I'll be better.  But do I have time for that?  NO!

In the end I know God is gonna get me through my busy schedule, but I still can't wait for Summer vacation.  Only 10 days left!

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