Monday, May 16, 2016

A Fresh Start!

May 16th, 2016

A Fresh Start :)
A Monday is like a fresh start. It may not always be as fresh as you wish, but we learn to deal and move on.  Today was a good Monday, and to me that is like a green light.  A good start to a new week means a good week, so I can hit the gas and move forward.  I now only have two Mondays left, and then I will be on Summer vacation, which I am super excited for!
However, to all of you who wish their Monday could've been a little bit better, just sit down, cry if need-be, have some fattening food, and sing Annie's "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow"!  Know that God isn't going to overload you, and tomorrow is a new day.  Just the word Tuesday sounds good :D.  One day down, 4 to go!  Keep up the hard work everyone!

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