Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday? No thanks!

May 15th, 2016

Monday Tomorrow...Ughh!

My thoughts every Sunday evening: Monday tomorrow? No!  That means I have to set my alarm again, go to school for almost 8 hours, do homework in the afternoon, and not be able to finish the show I was watching because I had to go to bed early.  Yeah... not my kind of fun.  I almost never have any luck with Mondays.  My hair won't look good, all my classes will be boring, I'll get paired up with a weird kid in class.  It's never fun.

But then there are the good Mondays, when I have an amazing hair day and get lots of compliments on it, I'll get to miss out on my least favorite class, and I'll get paired up with my best friend.  Those are the days I do my happy dance.  So let's all have a good Monday tomorrow.  Try to look at the glass as half-full, and know that you'll have a happy dog waiting for you when you get home, a pantry full of food to eat, a comfy bed wide open for you to jump into, and another good day ahead!

Happy Sunday!
-Danielle <3

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