Friday, May 13, 2016

First Blog!

May 13, 2016

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

 Hey, it's my first blog post!  I'm super excited, not only because it's my first post, but also because it's Friday!  It was a quick week and a good week, but Fridays give me such a sense of peace.

I have started this blog because of a project I'm doing in school(I'm in 8th grade by the way).  It's called Genius Hour, and all the students in my class had to pick a project to do that was awesome and that would help you make your mark on the world.  So I have chosen to become an encourager.

Here is where you can find daily encouragement after a rough day, morning, anything!  I'm just a listening ear and someone you can openly talk to.  You can also go to my website,

Until my next post,
-D  :)

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