Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Day Pool-Side

June 7th, 2016

A Day Pool-Side
Today, I spent the day at the pool my family has a membership at and it was FABULOUS!!!  I feel so relaxed and tan! ;)  So far, I am having a great start to my summer!  My sister graduated, I have been sitting pool-side much of the time, I had a sleepover with my best friend last night.  Oh, yes.  I am loving this!  I am not going to waste my summer this time.  I am going to make the most of it!
God has been fulfilling my life so much recently.  I am very thankful for the kind of summer vacation I am getting to enjoy.  I hope all of you are enjoying your summers as well.  Really take the time to admire the beauties around you.  It's as prettier than a picture!  God bless everyone, and enjoy your evenings!
-Danielle :D

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