Tuesday, June 21, 2016

When Can We Get a Break?

June 21st, 2016

When Can We Get a Break?

Please keep my family in your prayers.  We are having a lot of trouble with my sister's car and our family van.  My sister's car keeps breaking down, and there is something wrong with the van's steering.  It's making my mom and dad very stressed out.  I would very much appreciate the prayers. 

But even in these hardest of times, we still know that God is in control.  He is always watching over us, and we know He will help us through this.  And it's not completely horrible.  My grandma has been visiting from New York, yet she is leaving tomorrow.  But in the 3 1/2 weeks she visited, we had a lot of fun.  I helped out at the horse stable I ride at yesterday, I go every Monday and Thursday, which is always fun because I'm around my passion. <3  My sister is also going to take me to see Finding Dory tomorrow, and we plan on going to our local pool at which we have a membership there.  Talking about all the good things are making me feel better now.  I guess sometimes you have to look at the bright side in situations like these.  If you feel like you're drowning right now, just try your best to look at the bright side and always know that God is with you, and He loves you and that is never going to change.

God Bless,
~Danielle :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pump Your Spirit Up!

June 14th, 2016

Pump Your Spirit Up!

I love the mornings when I wake up with a smile on my face. :D  I know it's going to be a good day, I feel ready to go!  I know that it's not myself just suddenly feeling happy, though.  It's from God.  He's the one that wakes me up in the morning, and puts that smile on my face.  My joy comes from God and I am proud to say that!  He gives me pep in my step, joy in my heart, and love in my soul.  

I hope all of you get that feeling as well.  Don't let the world bring you down.  Tell yourself, "I am a child of God, and I am going to be joyful."  Even if you have been or are going through a tough time, I tell you the truth that God with get you through it.  He is going to put that beautiful smile back on your face.  God Bless you all, and enjoy the rest of your day. <3


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Day Pool-Side

June 7th, 2016

A Day Pool-Side
Today, I spent the day at the pool my family has a membership at and it was FABULOUS!!!  I feel so relaxed and tan! ;)  So far, I am having a great start to my summer!  My sister graduated, I have been sitting pool-side much of the time, I had a sleepover with my best friend last night.  Oh, yes.  I am loving this!  I am not going to waste my summer this time.  I am going to make the most of it!
God has been fulfilling my life so much recently.  I am very thankful for the kind of summer vacation I am getting to enjoy.  I hope all of you are enjoying your summers as well.  Really take the time to admire the beauties around you.  It's as prettier than a picture!  God bless everyone, and enjoy your evenings!
-Danielle :D